Home New in Cinema John Wick meets Fack Ju Göhte as a Netflix hit: Is the action film worth it?

John Wick meets Fack Ju Göhte as a Netflix hit: Is the action film worth it?

by Mike

Schedule combines Fack Ju Göhte class dynamics with John Wick brawls. But how entertaining is the result really?

Sometimes you look for deep drama in a stream, sometimes just an entertaining two-hour action diversion. The Polish smash hit Timetable, about a teacher on a revenge trip, is supposed to offer the latter above all. Entertaining school squabbles à la Fack ju Göhte and choreography reminiscent of John Wick action sound promising. But how good is the Netflix hit really?

Despite John Wick borrowings: Reactions to Timetable are mainly negative

The storyline of Timetable sounds like a series of moving themes. A drunk ex-policeman (Piotr Witkowski) loses his best friend to unscrupulous criminals after losing his wife. In response, he hires on as the teacher’s successor at his school and gets to the bottom of the crime. This quickly leads to a series of brawls with defiant students and brutal drug dealers, from whom the new teacher tries to protect his flock by teaching them martial arts.

Piotr Witkowski in timetable

Piotr Witkowski in timetable

The response to Timetable is mixed. While some on IMDb praise the action scenes, others criticise their immense frequency and the film’s lack of emotional depth. The script contains many clichés and makes no attempt to build any twists or suspense, they say.

Conclusion: Is the Netflix action timetable worth it?

So if you’re just looking for 100 minutes of action bubbles or find the film’s theme intriguing, you can take a look at Timetable. All other genre lovers are advised to watch Athena or Stray Bullet 2. If you want to satisfy revenge fantasies in a school setting, better watch Wednesday.

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