Home New in Cinema Not on Netflix or Amazon: Epic sci-fi series with massive

Not on Netflix or Amazon: Epic sci-fi series with massive

by Mike

The science fiction series Extrapolations is now available to stream on Apple TV+. This one comes up with an epic story as well as an incredible cast.

What might our lives look like in 50 years if climate change continues unabated? This is the question Contagion author Scott Z. Burns tries to find out with the new science fiction series Extrapolations. The series looks at the future of planet Earth over a period of 33 years – up to the year 2070.

Extrapolations is not streaming on Netflix or Amazon, but can be discovered on Apple TV+ since 17 March 2023. In addition to a compelling sci-fi story about advanced technology and an escalating dystopia, the series also boasts a spectacular cast that should make any series fan’s heart skip a beat.

Science fiction series with a dystopian future: that’s what Extrapolations

is all about.

The story of Extrapolations spans from the year 2037 to the year 2070, exploring the chaotic effects of unstoppable climate change and how people’s lives might have changed in the not-too-distant future.

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Barely contained forest fires, droughts, floods, new diseases and millions of climate refugees are some of the devastating consequences of ever-rising temperatures. The earth is on fire, but for people, life goes on. They must adapt to this ever-changing world for the worse.

In anthology format, Extrapolations highlights the fates of other characters with each episode. However, the series does not rely on completely self-contained chapters, but rather tells a continuous storyline over a period of 33 years, in which different characters and events are interconnected. The biggest highlight of Extrapolations, however, is the incredible cast.

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