Home New in Cinema New on Netflix: In this horror film that’s as bloody as it is evil, one

New on Netflix: In this horror film that’s as bloody as it is evil, one

by Tommy

As a “very special Netflix original,” we praise “El Conde.” Starting today, you can watch the new film by director-artist Pablo Larraín on the streaming service. If you’re in the mood for a gory horror satire with pretensions, you’re in for a treat.

In “El Conde,” Pablo Larraín, known for such films as “Jackie” and “Spencer,” starts with an idea that is as hilarious as it is wicked: What if Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet (played here by Jaime Vadell) were a vampire who has been up to his mischief for 250 years … and is still doing so? Because in “El Conde” he didn’t die in 2006, but only faked his death to avoid the ignominy of a trial due to his numerous atrocities during his time in office.

So now he lives on a dilapidated farm, flying only occasionally to the nearest town to fortify himself with a little blood. But his five children are of the opinion that it is time to step down. After all, they want to get their hands on all the money that he has stashed away somewhere during his reign. A young nun (Paula Luchsinger) also gets involved. Because this one is sent by her bishop to guarantee the death of the vampire dictator and to seize the money for the church.


Photographed by two-time Oscar-nominated Edward Lachmann (“Ken Park,” “Heaven So Far,” “Carol”), “El Conde” impresses with its terrific black-and-white images. In addition, there is a bitter, black humor as well as plenty of blood and violence. Right at the beginning, a head is crushed with a hammer and a guillotine is licked.

At the Venice Film Festival, the film won the award for best screenplay and we were also impressed. In our 3.5-star FILMSTARTS review, editor-in-chief Christoph Petersen concludes: “A bitter political vampire farce somewhere between great cinematic art and bloody satire, which may not be quite as original as the makers themselves seem to believe, but is still a lot of fun and literally has a bite to it!

You can see for yourself starting today on Netflix.

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