
by Han

Woman: Documentary in which 2,000 women from 50 countries were interviewed about what it means to be a woman today.

Film plot and background

Documentary in which 2,000 women from 50 countries were interviewed about what it means to be a woman today.

There are almost 7.5 billion people on earth, half of whom are female. And yet they are not heard equally in all countries and cultures. The documentary “Woman” is based on a worldwide project that gives 2,000 women from over 50 countries the chance to express their opinions about what it means to be a woman in today’s society. Obstacles, injustices, but also special strengths and unique abilities come to the fore.

In touching stories, the women interviewed talk about their education, motherhood, sexuality, marriage and the desire for financial independence. But taboo subjects such as domestic violence and menstruation also come up.

The trailer for the documentary women have their say

“Woman” – background, cinema release

Directors Anastasia Mikova and Yann Arthus-Bertrand succeeded in creating an intimate work with their documentary that, despite the abundance of interviews, shows what it actually means to be a woman. The idea for the documentary came about back in 2012, when they travelled to countries for the documentary “Human – Die Menschheit” (Humanity), where cameras are rather uncommon and the interviewed women first shyly and cautiously took a seat on the interview chair, where they told about their wishes and dreams. The finished film features over 100 women from 50 countries.

The world premiere took place in 2019 as part of the Venice Film Festival, and initial reviews have shown themselves to be particularly touched by the documentary. Due to the corona pandemic and cinemas being closed since 1 November 2020, the release of the documentary “Woman” had to be postponed several times. Due to the ongoing lockdown, a new cinema release date has not yet been set. An FSK age rating is still pending.

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