Home New in Cinema Bruce Willis’ daughter first thought severe illness was notorious

Bruce Willis’ daughter first thought severe illness was notorious

by Dennis

Bruce Willis’s severe dementia illness was barely noticeable at first. His daughter thought his absent-mindedness was a result of the action filming of the Die Hard series.

Bruce Willis ended his acting career in 2022 after being diagnosed with aphasia. The disease, which is similar to dementia, is apparently difficult to detect. Willis’ daughter Tallulah Belle Willis noticed progressive absent-mindedness but thought it was hearing damage as a result of action shooting such as Die Hard.

Bruce Willis’ daughter blamed hearing loss on action films like Die Hard

Speaking to Vogue she revealed the progressive nature of the disease.

“It started with him not responding sometimes when he was spoken to. The family blamed Hollywood: ‘Speak up, Die Hard destroyed Dad’s ears.’ Later, I sometimes took his absent-mindedness personally. […] I thought he had lost interest in me. “

Bruce Willis has since been diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia as well as aphasia, the BBC reports. His conditions damage his ability to think as well as his general ability to speak. They are currently considered incurable.

Willis’ Hollywood exit and fight against dementia was followed by a huge emotional response from stars and fellow actors. Fellow action star Arnold Schwarzenegger recently dedicated a touching message to him.

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