Home New in Cinema Today on TV: One of the best Marvel films, which in 2 seconds takes the entire

Today on TV: One of the best Marvel films, which in 2 seconds takes the entire

by Dennis

On ProSieben, Avengers 3: Infinity War will air on Sunday. The Marvel smash hit produced one of the most harrowing MCU moments of all time with the big fight against Thanos.

After 10 years of preparation through many films, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has reached a temporary climax with the two-parter Avengers 3: Infinity War and Avengers 4: Endgame. The first part about the big fight against supervillain Thanos will be shown on Sunday at 8:15 pm on ProSieben.

What will be remembered most from the Marvel smash hit is the villain’s fatal finger snap, which changed the MCU forever. If you haven’t seen the film yet, you are warned at this point about the following spoilers!

Avengers 3 shocks with drastic cliffhanger

In the film’s finale, Thanos has collected all the Infinity Stones and combined them with the Infinity Gauntlet to create a super-powered weapon. The scene in which he wipes out half of humanity with a snap of his fingers lasts just over two seconds. In the process, MCU characters such as Peter Parker, Doctor Strange, Drax, Mantis, Groot, Quill, T’Challa, Wanda, Sam and Bucky vanish into thin air from one second to the next.

While this violent cliffhanger played a major role in the plot of the subsequent Avengers 4 in particular, Thanos’ action has subsequently reappeared throughout the MCU. Here are some examples of films and series in which the so-called blip is mentioned.

The Blip is the big trauma in the MCU and is likely to continue to influence the comic book movie and series universe for years to come.

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