Home New in Cinema “I’m the one!”: Keanu Reeves wanted role in one of the biggest

“I’m the one!”: Keanu Reeves wanted role in one of the biggest

by Han

eanu Reeves is not only known as a Hollywood star to Matrix and John Wick fans. But 24 years ago he applied in vain for a film trilogy that everyone knows today.

John Wick star Keanu Reeves has many talents, but can you imagine him as a Lord of the Rings star in Peter Jackson’s Middle Earth trilogy? The actor himself had this dream of the fantasy gig par excellence and almost begged to be cast in it at the time.

Keanu Reeves was desperate to play Aragorn in the Lord of the Rings trilogy

As reported by Portuguese site Adoro Cinema Keanu Reeves revealed in an Australian interview with Rip It Up magazine in 1999 that he was very keen on the role of Ranger Strider (aka Aragorn). Twenty-four years ago, at the time of The Matrix, he excitedly recounted his efforts to be in the now world-famous fantasy trilogy of The Lord of the Rings:

“I’m applying for the role of Strings. I would love to work with Peter Jackson, but I don’t know if it will happen. I hope it does. I have a lot of people on the phone about it now. I hope he thinks I’m the right guy for the part. I’m the right guy! I’m here! “

We know the outcome of this story: The then 35-year-old Keanu Reeves was not chosen for the Lord of the Rings cast. In fact, the part of the future King of Gondor initially went to Stuart Townsend, who after 2 months of preparation, however, only spent one day on set before a last-minute reshuffle made Viggo Mortensen the chosen Aragorn we all know today.

Keanu Reeves doesn’t have to give up his Middle Earth dreams quite yet

If Keanu Reeves is still secretly a Lord of the Rings fan, he might still get a second chance at his Middle Earth bid soon. Because for the new Lord of the Rings films, which Warner wants to bring to the cinema in a few years, no actors:inside have been cast yet. So go for it, Keanu!

Even if it would probably be a role other than Aragorn for the now 58-year-old star. So far, however, only one other former Middle-earth star has expressed interest in a Lord of the Rings return.

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