Home Disney On Amazon: The beginning of an iconic horror series whose sequel is being filmed in Germany after a 12-year hiatus

On Amazon: The beginning of an iconic horror series whose sequel is being filmed in Germany after a 12-year hiatus

by Han

You can currently stream the start of an acclaimed horror series for free on Amazon. After twelve yearsthe next sequel is imminent and is also being filmed in Germany.

Silent Hillis the first part of a popular horror series based on the Konami video game series of the same name. The 2006 horror film was followed by the 2012 sequelSilent Hill: Revelationand is currently preparing its third film for next year – on location in Germany.

Horror kick-off of a whole series: What’s Silent Hill about?

In part 1 of Silent Hill, Rose (Radha Mitchell) wants to take her adopted daughter Sharon (Jodelle Ferland) to a healer against the wishes of her husband Christopher (Sean Bean) because the young sleepwalker keeps dreaming of the ghost town of Silent Hill. But they both have an accident on the way.

(Silent Hill: Radha Mitchell)

When Rose wakes up, she realizes that not only have they landed in the town from Sharon’s nightmares, but that her child has also disappeared. In search of her, the mother ventures into the fog of Silent Hill and finds more than just monsters

Silent Hill 3 is being filmed in Germany and will be released in 2024

The Silent Hill film series was dormant for twelve years after the second part. But a sequel is coming in 2024 withReturn to Silent Hillagain. Like Part 1, the third horror film in the franchise will once again be directed byChristophe Gans(Pact of the Wolves). The new sequelis based on thevideo game Silent Hill 2* and is set to reboot the series at the same time.

What is Silent Hill 3 about? James (Jeremy Irvine) is led back to the eponymous town by a mysterious letter, where he hopes to find his lost soulmate. Once there, however, he discovers that a malevolent force has changed the small town and begins to doubt reality.

(Welcome to Silent Hill soon to be part 3)

Thefilming of Return to Silent Hilltook place in Germany from April to July 2023. To be more precise: inBavaria, where the production filmed in the Penzing studios as well as in Munich, Rossberg, Nuremberg and on Lake Ammersee. According toScreen Dailythe FilmFernsehFonds Bayern (FFF Bayern) contributed1 million eurosas a grant. Silent Hill 3 does not yet have an exact launch date for 2024.

Stream for free via Amazon: Where you can watch Silent Hill

Silent Hill aired on November 1, 2023 at 10:00 pm onTele5 The repeat will follow onNovember 3, 2023 at 00:25 The sequel also already has a TV date: Silent Hill 2 will be shown on Tele5 on November 8, 2023 at 10 p.m. and repeated on November 10, 2023 at 00:40 a.m.

If you prefer to stream instead of watching on TV, you can do that too: You can stream part 1 of Silent Hill on the Filmtastic channel atAmazon* (free for 7 days). Part 2, Silent Hill: Revelation, streams on the Home of Horror channel atAmazon* (also free for 7 days).

Whether Evil, Servant or American Horror Story: each of the recommended horror series has different, special scares to discover.

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