The battle-filled epic film Gladiator tells the story of a former general’s quest for revenge. Despite all the action, Ridley Scott also tells an emotional film in which the actors are allowed to demonstrate their talent
It took Hollywood almost forty years to dare to make another monumental film. In the end, it was worth it, becauseGladiatorbecameone of the best films of the last quarter of a centuryRidley Scottcreated a masterpiece withRussell Crowein the leading role. Now that the sequel is also becoming more and more concrete, Titans of Cult is launching aCollector’s Edition in two different versionson the market.
Russell Crowe almost turned down his Oscar role
In a poll conducted by the film magazineEmpirereaders voted the character of Maximusamong the top 100 best film characters. He almost turned down Russell Crowe’s starring role because he thought the first version of the script was garbage. It can’t have been quite that bad, in the endGladiator received five Oscars and seven further nominations, including “Best Original Screenplay”.

(Gladiator is released in two Collector’s Editions.)
This contains the Supreme Edition
Steelbook incl. 4K UHD & Blu-ray
Supreme Edition
Rigid Supreme Box
3 concept art posters
Iconcart metal poster
4 Artcards
Cult Stand
The smaller Titans Edition * is not yet available for pre-order. In addition to the film on 4K and Blu-ray, it also contains the Cult Stand, the pin, four artcards and the Rigid Titan Box
This is what Gladiator is about
Gladiator tells the story of the victorious general Maximus, who is cheated of his title, arrested and sold on the slave market. Maximus does not submit to his bitter fate and trains as a gladiator. He returns to Rome, where he seeks revenge
- Gladiator – Titans of Cult Supreme Edition*
- Gladiator – Titans of Cult Titans Edition*
In November next yearafter 24 years, the second part of Gladiator will finally be released in cinemas Ridley Scott will take the sequel into his own hands and also make a leap in time in the plot. Thenew main character will be Lucius, who we know from the first film as a young boy. In the sequel, he will then be emperor and it remains exciting to see what kind of man he has become.