The Rookie fans will once again have to make do without new episodes of season 6 this week. As a replacement, however, it’s worth taking a look at Nathan Fillion’s top-rated series
The Rookie is currently taking a break from broadcasting on Sky/WOW. So before John Nolan and co. resume their daily police routine in the near future, fans will have to get their dose of Nathan Fillion elsewhere. It’s a good thing that all 14 episodes of his best series are also available to stream.
From lawman to lawbreaker: Nathan Fillion’s best series is Firefly
Nathan Fillion’s current series The Rookie is undoubtedly popular: on Moviepilot, the crime series achieves an average rating of 7.3, but is still behind Castle (7.7) and, above all, behind the undisputed series winner in his filmography: Firefly – Serenity’s Departure with an 8.5 rating.
Firefly is a series that must be seen. Not only as a sci-fi fan, but also as a Nathan Fillion fan. It popularized the space western long before The Mandalorian and in 2002 gave us a crew of smugglers who travel to alien planets in their spaceship. The misfit troupe is led by Captain Mal Reynolds (Fillion), who, unlike The Rookie, is on the other side of the law, but as a war veteran still brings a lot of morality to the convincingly fanned-out cosmos.

(Nathan Fillion in Firefly)
In 14 episodes, the sci-fi series from Joss Whedon (The Avengers, Buffy) impresses with its successful mix of suspense and humor, which rests not least on Nathan Fillion’s shoulders. As captain of the spaceship Serenity, he is the ideal leading figure: a daredevil with a heart who has had traumatic experiences and turned away from a legal career as a result, but would do anything for his crew.
Nathan Fillion is not a rookie in Firefly, but the series, which was unjustly canceled after one season (but is still worthwhile), still has a lot in store for fans of The Rookie. Here too, individual episodic adventures on alien planets come together to form a larger narrative that teaches us more and more about the lovable characters. This definitely deserves the series’ top rating. Or as one Moviepilot user’s Firefly love letter put it: “Nathan Fillion is the coolest motherfucker under the sun!”
When is the next episode of The Rookie season 6 coming?
Next week, the wait for The Rookie’s return will finally come to an end: On Wednesday, March 27, 2024, the 4th episode of The Rookie season 6 will be released on WOW/Sky – as usual, one day after the US broadcast.
Episode 4 of The Rookie is entitled “Training Day” and sees Officer Aaron Thorsen (Tru Valentino) return for the first time after his attack. But is he ready to get back to work yet? And does a new murder case have anything to do with the Pentagram Killer?