There are heroes who will never die out. Will continue to inspire generations of new interpretations of their stories. And even monumental directors like Ridley Scott can’t escape their fascination
There is a hall of fictional heroes into which only very special characters are allowed to enter. And whose inhabitants inspire new editions of their adventures and battles against evil time and time again. One of these is undoubtedly Robin Hood
As a Disney cartoon, as a comedy, as a superhero version, Robin Hood has been inspiring filmmakers for as long as there has been a moving image. Gladiator director Ridley Scott couldn’t escape this either and created his own version of the English folk hero with the accurate shot in 2010. From today, you can stream the breathtaking battle epic that resulted from this with an Amazon Prime subscription.
Robin Hood on Amazon Prime reinvents the classic adventure story once again
Robin Longstride (Russell Crowe) hires himself out as a simple archer alongside Richard the Lionheart. They have survived the Crusades, but on the journey home Richard is killed in battle. What’s more, on the journey home, Robin and his closest comrades stumble into an ambush for Richard’s direct followers, which was actually intended for Richard himself.
Robin and his men overpower the attackers. Robin swears to one of them, Sir Robert Loxley, that he will tell his father Walter about his death and return his sword to him. When he arrives at Loxley, Walter makes him a tempting proposition. Robin should pretend to be Robert. This would allow Marion (Cate Blanchett), Robert’s widow, to keep her land once Walter is gone.

(Russel Crowe and Cate Blanchett in Robin Hood)
Robin accepts – and enters a world of nobles, of the rich. And thus also into a world of intrigue, corruption and cruelty. All this while a henchman of the French king (Mark Strong) lurks in the background to eliminate Robin. And while the dark clouds of war loom in the skies over England.
Stream action epic Robin Hood now on Amazon Prime
Robin Hood proves once again: Nobody films historical action as beautifully as Ridley Scott
Robin doesn’t just remain a petty criminal here, but is allowed to speak true words under the eyes of a king. He is allowed to stand by his roots. Finally, he is allowed to rise – always together with his loyal friends and an indestructible Marion – to become the savior that Loxley and even England need. With an epic sense of pathos, but often with the tongue-in-cheek light-footedness that belongs to Robin.
All this culminates in magnificently staged battles and fights, as beautiful as they are impressive. Even in 2010, in the age of CGI lumps beating each other up, Scott still has hundreds of real riders galloping thunderously through the English hills. Scott also mixes a good pinch of medieval political thriller into his epic, including a game of intrigue. The result is suspense on all levels

(Russell Crowe in Robin Hood)
Robin Hood is conceived and made as big as only a Ridley Scott can. All the parts interlock so wonderfully that in the end there is not much left of green tights and archery competitions. But Robin becomes a steadfast folk hero of stature. And incidentally, Scott’s cornfield fetish also finds its place.
Anyone who wants to indulge in a little medieval pathos with Robin Hood can now do so by subscribing to Amazon Prime.