At number three on the Netflix movie chart is a sci-fi thriller starring Lost actor, which will be unfamiliar even to genre fans. In 2015, the zombie hit was panned by critics.
Once dead, you don’t need to fear the cold. At least that’s true for the monsters in a sci-fi thriller that’s just hit the Netflix charts: Extinction sets zombie hordes on its protagonists, who also have to contend with extreme cold. Despite the promising premise and Lost star Matthew Fox, the film was panned by critics in 2015.
On Netflix: sci-fi thriller with zombies that survive even ice ages
In the near future, a zombie epidemic has wiped out much of humanity. Survivors like Jack (Jeffrey Donovan), Patrick (Fox) and little Lu (Quinn McColgan) can only save themselves thanks to the freezing temperatures of their surroundings, which apparently kill the undead. But as time passes, the creatures have finally adapted, and the trio once again face a terrible death.
Watch the trailer for Extinction here:
When the movie was released in 2015, many critics were not particularly well disposed towards it. On Rotten Tomatoes, for example, it only achieved a press rating of 18%. Many criticized the lack of original ideas and the low level of actual zombie horror.